
“Capturing the moment.” Everyone has got a penchant for photography these days. Groups are formed all over to gather alike minded people. These groups not only promote ones photography skills but also mirror the contemporary society. Such a Whatsapp group was formed by Mr. Rijas namely ‘photogears’ on may 2015 which gave opportunities for the beginners to learn photography and share their photographs. Even though the group at first had few members, now it includes people all over from kerala and many NRI s too. Each member can upload maximum of three photos a day and can get reviews from the co- members and thus can improve themselves. The group has got ten admins in total. Members also include Sajeesh the wild life photographer who was awarded for bird watching and photography. Agni another member works as a cooperate and had got his photographs printed in Kochi metro and was awarded for the same. Many photographers got their shots featured in many magazines. The motive of this group not only includes photography but also charity. They invest their time, money and skills to initiate events like blood donation, social awareness among people, motivational classes and so on. Their main objective is to reach as many people as they can irrespective of gender, age or the quality gadgets they use. Talent is given more importance. Even photos taken in mobile phones are being appreciated and encouraged. This group has planned for many upcoming social events which hopefully will elaborate their vision for the society and enable them to reach to the needy. This group sets an example for everyone where groups are made without any reason or aim. That even a small group can contribute much to the society.

Rules and Regulations

* Maximum of 3pics /day.
* Irrelevant posts or forwarded message will not be entertained.
* Inactive members will be removed.
* You can also inform any admin, of you can’t be active for a while because of the gender of job, exams or any genuine reason then you will be safe there continue in the group.
* Any kind of misbehaviour towards group members especially female are not entertained and strict actions will be taken as the group is NGO registered we have connected to the cybercell police infoinment wing.
* If any sort of misbehaves have been noticed then we will be forced to remove you from the group.
* Be respectful to all the group members, bullying the members or disrespectful comments or statements will not be tolerated.
* Irrelevant conversation and shares are not entertained.
* This is not Instagram/Facebook Fame group, Social media links are not allowed here.
* Try to review the photos and give genuine feedback and encourage other photographers.
* Emojis are not allowed.
* Admins will always have the ultimate voice to take decisions.
* Tezz and Patym connected for the payment deals.
* Official T-Shirt for Paid members only, if you need our T-Shirts please kindly contact our Admin Panels.